About Me

上海芳鄰民宿及餐廳聯絡資訊:上海市虹橋區宋園路38號, 電話:(21)62197534, 手機:13901731287 For English, dial US number +1-646-509-3860 or email: funglin.wang@gmail.com
2007年12月30日 星期日

上海芳鄰民宿與餐廳 Shanghai Funglin Resturant and B&B House

Our Story

1997年, 我們的母親喬女士與我父親王先生在上海虹橋區開了我們家的第一家餐廳, 希望能夠在上海提供道地的台灣料理給在異鄉的台灣人, 當然也歡迎各地的朋友一同賞光.
1997, our mother Mrs. Chiao and father Mr. Wang opened our first restaurant in Honchao District in Shanghai, China. Our hope is to offer genuine Taiwanese cuisine for Taiwanese living away from home. Of course, we sincerely extend this invitation to everyone from around the world to visit our restaurant and try Taiwanese cooking.

2007年, 我們在上海西郊別墅區, 開了第一家民宿, 一共有6個獨立衛浴的套房以及各式設備. 在上海外灘, 我們另外有一間一房一廳位於傳統上海住家建築. 希望世界各地的朋友到上海旅遊或洽公時, 能有更優質的選擇.
In 2007, we opened our first Bed and Breakfast (B&B) in Shanghai's West Suburb neighborhood. There are six private/semi private bedrooms with brand new furnitures and appliances. There is also a separate one-bedroom apartment located in the colonial banking district of Shanghai. This unit is in a historical Shanghainese three story building. With these choices, we hope to provide quality lodging options for travelers visiting Shanghai.

We welcome you to vsit Shanghai Funglin Restaurant and B&B House.

如果您想詢問任何有關上海芳鄰民宿的問題, 歡迎來信:
If you have any question about Shanghai Funglin Restaurant and B&B House, please email: funglin.wang@gmail.com

或是來電中國 (+86) 21-6219-7534 台灣 (+886) 922-082-372 ( 加0如果從台灣撥) 美國 (+1) 646-509-3860 洽詢.
Or call China (+86) 21-6219-7534 Taiwan (+886) 922-082-372 US (+1) 646-509-3860 for more information.

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